Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Duncan Oil : Chicago Market ended up .24 cents today!

Oil land bloggers we had a very interesting day.  Chicago market really ran up after 12 and finished on an insane uptick.  (24 cents)  I anticipated this yesterday and blogged about it.  Volatility seems to be happening more and more.  Jobbers will have to increase there ability to adjust with the market swings.  

Customers need to try to grant 24 hr notice and be willing to incur cancelation fees as the market is increasingly becoming more difficult to accommodate all the variables. 

I wish I had the silver bullet to alleviate the stress this type of day incurs.  Unfortunately, i have no bullets other than to keep striving and working hard for our customers and give them the best service Duncan Oil Company offers.   

Duncan has been in the petroleum business for 50 years and we plan to remain another 100 years.  We will continue to develop our technology to accommodate our customers while increasing efficiencies that we can pass down to our customers.  It's a commitment our employees take seriously and are committed to seeing it thru.    

Tomorrow is somewhat of an unknown to me but usually there is some give back on a day like this but I actually think we might see another uptick.   Regardless, it will be interesting. 


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