Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Supply / Economics

  It's interesting that demand is almost a 10 year low it appears we are over-supplied but the sector still keeps moving upward.  Some places there is a distant advantage to arbitrage fuel.  It truly requires a relentless passion to keep all the balls in the air to succeed.  Our industry is challenging and I would bet one of the most difficult.  Why?  Because what happened yesterday is not going to occur today.  Predicability is long gone.   You must digest the news hourly, look at all variables, inform your customer base, and try to keep your sanity along the way!!  I wouldn't have it any other way.   

Climbing a hill with your team can be the most rewarding thing life can offer.  Yes, we need to look down from time to time but the view on the trek up is what's it's all about!!  Keep climbing your mountain and take time to look down once in a while. 


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