Monday, May 14, 2012

I am sorry for the Hiatus.   I was married last friday to my girl.   The weeks leading up to it I wanted to focus on the big day and told myself to take a break from blogging.  I am back.   I will resume blogging May 15, 2012 (Tomorrow) 

I would like to say, "Thank you" for everyone patience and understanding.

*QUICK NOTE | Market has been in a decline so keep inventory moving.   


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Market Close

Well, this morning I predicted a up day.  I was wrong on gasoline but distillate did go up crazy in Chicago.  I need to get a new crystal ball! 

New York Harbour: gas down .06 and diesel down .0081
Gulf Coast: gas down .05 and diesel down .0031
Group 3: gas down .04 and diesel up .0054
Chicago: gas down .04 and diesel up . 14 

So, diesel went crazy in Chicago today.  Market is still volaitle keep your inventory moving.  It appears having a truck stop is the best investment at the moment.  Diesel margins are quite good.   Duncan is always looking to help save our customers or new customers money.  Call us !!! 

Stay on the grind and keep pressing forward.  Remember, life is not always won by the fastest, strongest, etc.   The person that stays in the fight will come out on top in the long run!  Keep the faith!

Enjoy the evening,


First early morning post for a reason!

Petroleum World,

I have not blogged since April 9, 2012  yikes.  I hate getting out of a rhythm.  My apologies.  Life has been a bit hectic.  However, I am blogging this morning to see if my instincts are correct.  I have never shied away from putting myself out there and have a thirst for competition.  Iron sharpens Iron.  Period.  

Market has been insane.  I am predicting a pretty good jump upward today.  Overnight trading is up .0135 cents.  So i will be back on the blog this evening either saying I am a genius or apologizing.  

Time will tell 


Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to the grind

Good Evening Petroleum World,

Hope everyone had a nice easter.   I had a marvelous day.  Very thankful to my family and fiancĂ©.   You guys are great!

Now to the Market:

New York Harbour: Gas .06 and Diesel .02 down
Gulf Coast: Gas .03 and Diesel .017 down
Group 3: Gas .043 and Diesel .02 down 
Chicago: Gas .10 down and Diesel .01 down 

Chicago is being brutal trying to read the crystal ball.  It places a lot of stress on the jobber to accommodate all intangibles without letting customers run out of fuel.  Regardless of the price if a station does not have fuel it's a mute point on what the market is doing.  However, if a stations volume is low enough one could make a logical argument it's better to be out and receive after price change.  (This goes against my recommendation because customer service should always be paramount!--But I do realize the need to pinch pennies)

Keep the inventory moving.  Don't become to paralyzed in watching the market so religiously that you forget who you took to the dance.  (Metaphor)  

This week appears to be interesting so let's be prepared to ride.  Sometimes, the market gives us spills, thrills, chills, but most of all it's giving us unpredictability.  

Duncan has been in business over 50 years and we will be here for you regardless of outside variables.  Never hesitate to contact us.  Business is about relationships.  

Have a great evening,


Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Friday -Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

Hello everyone.  First, I would like to wish our customers and everyone else reading this blog a "blessed" Easter Sunday.  Enjoy the day with your loved ones.  

Now let's get to the Market:

New York Harbour:  Gas down .0131 and diesel up .0058 
Gulf Coast: Gas down .0146 and diesel down .0042
Group 3: Gas up .0024 and diesel up .0073
Chicago: Gas up .0069 and diesel up .0158 

Nothing earth shattering but the week was especially for the Chicago Market.  Crazy volatilty yesterday.    Keep pressing forward and working hard.  Life at times can be as simple as "Outwork your opponent."  My ole wrestling coach would say you might not be as gifted with the natural intangibles (speed, strength, endurance, etc) but your heart is just as big as his.  Translation -Play with all you got and more times than not you will catch that break. 

I leave you with a quote to reflect on over the weekend: "On this Easter Sunday…. Forgive someone. Tell someone you love them. Let your light shine!"


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ouch! --Market sink like the Titanic

Ouch, the market dropped faster than a 747.  It was a very crazy day.  Let's get right to it.  

New York Harbour: Gas down .066 and diesel .069
Gulf Coast: Gas down .055 and diesel .051
Group 3: Gas down .09 and diesel .06
Chicago: Gas down .17 and diesel .0641

In case you are wondering why the market recap today was in red because it bleed crazy.  (I know my humor is a bit lame)  

Please, now is not the time to listen to anything but this.  Keep your inventory moving!!!! Don't price yourself out of the market.  Follow the leaders and keep moving the juice.  In a weird way (it's difficult to explain in words) volatility is a good thing for business owners.

Crude Drops (Feel free to read it may help explain some stuff)  

Thank you,


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Market Turned on a DIME today

Ouch,  as I type the little ole market reared it's ugly head and wham flipped.  

Let's break it down as of 3:46 pm (closes in 10 minutes)

New York Harbour: gas up .018 diesel down .024 
Gulf Coast: gas down .0041 and diesel .0321 down
Group 3: gas .0043 down and diesel .0221 down 
Chicago: gas .066 and diesel .022 down 

If you are in Chicago Economics I realize the frustration but it's almost impossible to predict these type of moments.   Keep the juice moving and keep inventory turning.  Factor in a day like today if you received a load you need to get that baby out asap. So, price to move the product.  

We appreciate each and every one of our customers.  Keep doing the right thing and success will occur.  Follow the Golden Rule

Till Tomorrow,