Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Friday -Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!

Hello everyone.  First, I would like to wish our customers and everyone else reading this blog a "blessed" Easter Sunday.  Enjoy the day with your loved ones.  

Now let's get to the Market:

New York Harbour:  Gas down .0131 and diesel up .0058 
Gulf Coast: Gas down .0146 and diesel down .0042
Group 3: Gas up .0024 and diesel up .0073
Chicago: Gas up .0069 and diesel up .0158 

Nothing earth shattering but the week was especially for the Chicago Market.  Crazy volatilty yesterday.    Keep pressing forward and working hard.  Life at times can be as simple as "Outwork your opponent."  My ole wrestling coach would say you might not be as gifted with the natural intangibles (speed, strength, endurance, etc) but your heart is just as big as his.  Translation -Play with all you got and more times than not you will catch that break. 

I leave you with a quote to reflect on over the weekend: "On this Easter Sunday…. Forgive someone. Tell someone you love them. Let your light shine!"


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