Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ouch! --Market sink like the Titanic

Ouch, the market dropped faster than a 747.  It was a very crazy day.  Let's get right to it.  

New York Harbour: Gas down .066 and diesel .069
Gulf Coast: Gas down .055 and diesel .051
Group 3: Gas down .09 and diesel .06
Chicago: Gas down .17 and diesel .0641

In case you are wondering why the market recap today was in red because it bleed crazy.  (I know my humor is a bit lame)  

Please, now is not the time to listen to anything but this.  Keep your inventory moving!!!! Don't price yourself out of the market.  Follow the leaders and keep moving the juice.  In a weird way (it's difficult to explain in words) volatility is a good thing for business owners.

Crude Drops (Feel free to read it may help explain some stuff)  

Thank you,


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