Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to the grind

Good Evening Petroleum World,

Hope everyone had a nice easter.   I had a marvelous day.  Very thankful to my family and fiancé.   You guys are great!

Now to the Market:

New York Harbour: Gas .06 and Diesel .02 down
Gulf Coast: Gas .03 and Diesel .017 down
Group 3: Gas .043 and Diesel .02 down 
Chicago: Gas .10 down and Diesel .01 down 

Chicago is being brutal trying to read the crystal ball.  It places a lot of stress on the jobber to accommodate all intangibles without letting customers run out of fuel.  Regardless of the price if a station does not have fuel it's a mute point on what the market is doing.  However, if a stations volume is low enough one could make a logical argument it's better to be out and receive after price change.  (This goes against my recommendation because customer service should always be paramount!--But I do realize the need to pinch pennies)

Keep the inventory moving.  Don't become to paralyzed in watching the market so religiously that you forget who you took to the dance.  (Metaphor)  

This week appears to be interesting so let's be prepared to ride.  Sometimes, the market gives us spills, thrills, chills, but most of all it's giving us unpredictability.  

Duncan has been in business over 50 years and we will be here for you regardless of outside variables.  Never hesitate to contact us.  Business is about relationships.  

Have a great evening,


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