Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Market Turned on a DIME today

Ouch,  as I type the little ole market reared it's ugly head and wham flipped.  

Let's break it down as of 3:46 pm (closes in 10 minutes)

New York Harbour: gas up .018 diesel down .024 
Gulf Coast: gas down .0041 and diesel .0321 down
Group 3: gas .0043 down and diesel .0221 down 
Chicago: gas .066 and diesel .022 down 

If you are in Chicago Economics I realize the frustration but it's almost impossible to predict these type of moments.   Keep the juice moving and keep inventory turning.  Factor in a day like today if you received a load you need to get that baby out asap. So, price to move the product.  

We appreciate each and every one of our customers.  Keep doing the right thing and success will occur.  Follow the Golden Rule

Till Tomorrow,


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