Thursday, March 29, 2012

Market Recap

Hello.   Well let's get right down to business --

Market Recap 

New York Harbour: gas up .0251 and diesel down .0540
Gulf Coast: gas down .0049 and diesel down .0474
Group 3: gas down .0099 and diesel down .0515 
Chicago: gas down .0074 and diesel down .0649

Diesel had a heavy down down.   I couldn't find any specific news for why diesel was trading down.  

Prices are really climbing at the pump.  Remember, your customers are feeling the pinch.  They will be agitated because of the price.  Service and a friendly smile are the best ways to combat consumer aggravation.    We have a better understanding but John Q Public does not.  It's not their fault.  We must stay united in our ability to treat each customer as a member of our family.  Remember, without them there is no us.  Duncan lives by that mantra.  

Please download our app via iPhone or droid.  It's pretty informative and really paints the picture on who Duncan Oil is and what we are doing in the future. 

Here is link to download app:

Have a marvelous day * Keep pushing the juice


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Back to business -Blogging

Hello petroleum bloggers.  I apologize for my absence. ( I was in San Antonia Texas for a valero conference)   I am now back in the saddle and ready to resume.

Today's Market Recap:

New York Harbour: Gas .001 & Diesel .0057 down
Gulf Coast: Gas .0118 & Diesel  .0064 down
Group 3: Gas .0176 & Diesel .0082 down
Gulf Coast: Gas .0143 & Diesel .0013 down

Nothing earth shattering today.  Market still appears volatile.  Remember, keep your inventory moving.  Duncan refers to this as "Move the Juice!"

It's racing season and we are the place to get a quote on performance fuels.  Call our guy Ryan Burba for more info.  Feel free  to look at our website racingasoline.

Enjoy your day and if you're in Ohio take advantage of the weather at the moment.  Sunny!!!

Have a wonderful day,


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Market Recap

Today the Market was down across the board. 

New York Harbour : Gas (4 cents down) 
Diesel (.0325 cents down)

Gulf Coast: Gas (.0175 cents down) 
Diesel (.0235 cents down)

Group 3: Gas ( .025 cents down) 
Diesel (.035 cents down)

Gulf Coast: Gas (.057 cents down) 
Diesel (.0175 cents down) 

Remember, keep your inventory moving.

I have been in Texas this week at Valero National Distributor meeting.  Meeting was very informative lot's of new and exciting things.  

Valero is America largest independent refiner.  If you are interested in the Valero Brand please contact us.

Well, I am off to dinner than heading back to Ohio @ 4 am.   Keep pushing and remember success is a journey not a destination point.  Our customers are one of the hardest working folks in business.  Duncan Oil is committed to helping you succeed.  

Have a marvelous day,


Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Mondy

Hello Blogger World,

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.  

Chicago Market :  Gas up .015 and Diesel down .09
Group 3 : Gas up .023 and Diesel down .0056
Gulf Coast: Gas up .033 and Diesel down .01
New York harbor: Gas up .045 and Diesel down .018

I will be leaving for Texas tomorrow and arrive back friday.  I hope to be able to blog but if a hiatus occurs don't panic.  We will be up and running when I get back.  

Have a fantastic day.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Another week down in the Petroleum World

We finished on a strong up day.  Markets were up across the board.

Markets: (Cents used)

Chicago: Gas up 7 - Distillate up 4 1/2
Group 3: Gas up 6 - Distillate up 6
Gulf Coast: Gas up 7-Distillate up 6
New York Harbour: Gas up 9-Distillate up .06

Duncan strives to accomodate all it's customers.  We watch the market diligently.

 News, 60 inch market monitor, iPhone, iPads, help keep our Dispatch team working it's magic.

Remember, watch your inventory closely and keep the juice turning.  Market is still volatile.   We are here to help so never hesitate to contact us if you need anything.  

Duncan has added a new marketer to our Performance Racing Division. 

Ryan Burba has joined the Duncan Oil Team as a Marketing Representative for Performance Fuels.  Ryan has "racing in his blood".  His family owns and operates Performance Clinic, a long time, well respected engine builder located in the Miami Valley.  Ryan competes on the track and he will take that competitive desire to the marketplace .

Ryan is a recent Wright State graduate in Business Marketing and is a life long resident of Beavercreek.   If you have questions or just want to talk about racing fuel Ryan will be your guy! (Email :

Spring is fast approaching.   (Granted with the winter we had spring may have already been here for 3 months!)  Enjoy the current heat wave we are having! 

I leave you with a weekend quote, "Difficulty need not foreshadow despair or defeat. Rather achievement can be all the more satisfying because of obstacles surmounted." by William Hastie

Have a marvelous weekend.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sunny day in the Petroleum World

   Hello.  Well it's another beautiful day in ohio.  Market's were pretty calm unless you were getting Diesel out of Chicago market.  (Up 9 Cents) Gasoline was down about a penny and half.  Group 3, Gulf Coast, and New York Harbor gas closed down nickel.  

   Duncan would like to congratulate Chad Walters.  Chad is a top notch store operator who received Valero distingushed CTE Gold Level award for 2011.  Keep up the good work Chad.  Duncan Oil thanks you and your crew for your commitment to excellence. 


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today DOE government numbers came out (every Wednesday) and we saw the market dip toward the end of day.  Chicago gas 2 cents and distillate .09 cents.   Diesel drop was significant.  Other 3 markets were pretty inconsequential.  

Most people today are at MPACT.   I don't have a really good feel on tomorrows market it could be interesting?  Stay focused on your inventory, control your costs, and keep the customer service top flight.  Ingredients that can be lost when it's the most important time to follow.  

Duncan is grateful and humble to our customers.  You allow us to keep growing, innovating, and pushing the envelope so we can keep growing together.  Business is truly a relationship.  We value the trust our customers place in us.  

Enjoy your Wednesday.  If you're in Ohio it's a beautiful sunny day.  Take a walk and clear your mind.  We will be here 24/7


Monday, March 12, 2012

Welcome Monday!!!

Hello everyone. I hope everyone's weekend was nice. This week in our industry we have MPACT which is at the convention center.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.  I will be leaving next Monday for San Antonino Texas.   I will continue to blog so no worries.  

Market was pretty flat today.   Chicago Gas even, Group 3 up a little, Gulf Coast Down penny and half, and New York Harbour down 94 points.   Crude continued to decline on Chinese Trade Data.  (Basically, China reported a large trade defecit) 

Tommorrow it appears market will be flat maybe even a bit down.  However, remember that can turn on a dime.  I cannot stress the importance of staying informed 24/7.  The world moves at a lighting pace and our industry is at the forefront of that movement.  If you don't get ahead of the curve you will get swept up and discarded.  

Keep your inventory turning so you're not caught with expensive product.   High prices create frustrated consumer who are continually be taxed more and more.  Please treat your customers as the "golden rule" states  and you will find this more than covers for any mistakes you might make.  

Keep pressing forward.  Duncan will continue to work hard and always keep reexamining ourselves to improve and strengthen our business so our customers have the strongest supplier.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

End of week Report

Well, this week was definitely a up week for the petroleum industry.   Wholesale prices increased dramatically.  

Chicago Market closed for gas .02 and diesel .029 up.  New York Harbor gas finished up .0184 and diesel down .0057.  Group 3 gas finished up .0134 and diesel down .0032.  Gulf Coast finished up on gas .0184 and down on diesel .0037.  

Street prices today have been very competitive.  Restoration has not seemed to happen yet in Dayton area.   Remember, to keep your prices competitive to turn the product in the ground.  Market is still very volatile. 

News is reporting daily the prices at the pump and the consumers aggravation.  We cannot control how the customer feels regarding the price but can do our best to give the best service possible.  

Please read wall street journal recap on oil futures.   Keeping doing your best and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions as we are here to help the best we can.   We appreciate each and every one of our customers business!!!

Enjoy your weekend,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012

Today's Market closed down (Chicago fell .05 cents)  Nothing earth shaken occurred today.  Iran talks seemed to cause the slide.

Duncan is preparing for the upcoming racing season.  We are a performance distributor of racing fuel.   If you are interested in becoming a distributor or need a place to purchase racing fuel call 1.800.999.6620 or visit our website.

Summer is fast approaching and it might be a good time to get your site jazzed up and cleaned up.  Remember, we have our own in house maintenance crew that can handle most of your needs.  Don't hesitate to contact us.

Remember, stay positive and keep pressing forward.  

The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer. – Nolan Bushnell

Enjoy your evening.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Mar 5, 2012

Hello everyone in blogger land.  Hope the weekend was good to you and your refreshed for another interesting week in the petroleum world.

Today's Market Recap

Chicago Market finished up .09 cents on gas and the distillate .06 cents.    Let's plan on tomorrow price going down in my humble opinion.  Maybe, not.  We had a fire over the weekend in Enbridge Pipeline shutting Illinois down.  (Should be up by now)

Duncan will continue to strive to provide our customers real time information best we can.  Remember our twitter as well.  

Enjoy the evening --and as always Thank you for your business.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ouch!! U guess is as good as mine on the mind of the market

Well, how crazy is the market?  Chicago Gas fell .18 cents! Seriously, this volatility is getting a bit ridiculous.   One day's is on a vertical climb to mars than the next day we are plunging to visit the titanic.  I can assure you Duncan Oil keeps tabs the best it can monitor the prices and accommodating our customers.  It's a delicate balance when you factor in all the variables.

So, this Friday ended a bit unique for sure.    All in all it was a good week.  Folks, when the prices go crazy, news reports 5 dollar gas, and people are not appreciative of the hard work you perform remember to keep pressing forward.  It's in these difficult times that the old adage "Iron sharpens Iron." hold's true.

Stay positive, treat people well, and you will find out no matter how hard or long the journey is success will be there for you.



Thursday, March 1, 2012

Interesting Day -Oil climbs over 110 a barrel for the first time since may on Iranian state-run news channel reported an explosion on a pipeline in Saudi Arabia.

So, market went crazy at end of day.   Chicago finished diesel finished up .114 and gas finished .0745.  Group 3 diesel finished up .0694 and gas .1095.    It becomes pretty difficult when market spikes at the end of day.  

According to Bloomberg, “Oil is shooting higher due to the Saudi report, absolutely, no question about it,” said Phil Streible, a Chicago-based commodities broker at RJO Futures. “People are buying oil based on the news. Gold is also rising.”  

C Store operators keep product moving in your tanks so volatility does not impact your business.(best you can)  Low volume sites are somewhat at the mercy of the market.  Try to move the juice best you can. 

Tomorrow should be interesting