Thursday, March 29, 2012

Market Recap

Hello.   Well let's get right down to business --

Market Recap 

New York Harbour: gas up .0251 and diesel down .0540
Gulf Coast: gas down .0049 and diesel down .0474
Group 3: gas down .0099 and diesel down .0515 
Chicago: gas down .0074 and diesel down .0649

Diesel had a heavy down down.   I couldn't find any specific news for why diesel was trading down.  

Prices are really climbing at the pump.  Remember, your customers are feeling the pinch.  They will be agitated because of the price.  Service and a friendly smile are the best ways to combat consumer aggravation.    We have a better understanding but John Q Public does not.  It's not their fault.  We must stay united in our ability to treat each customer as a member of our family.  Remember, without them there is no us.  Duncan lives by that mantra.  

Please download our app via iPhone or droid.  It's pretty informative and really paints the picture on who Duncan Oil is and what we are doing in the future. 

Here is link to download app:

Have a marvelous day * Keep pushing the juice


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