Friday, March 2, 2012

Ouch!! U guess is as good as mine on the mind of the market

Well, how crazy is the market?  Chicago Gas fell .18 cents! Seriously, this volatility is getting a bit ridiculous.   One day's is on a vertical climb to mars than the next day we are plunging to visit the titanic.  I can assure you Duncan Oil keeps tabs the best it can monitor the prices and accommodating our customers.  It's a delicate balance when you factor in all the variables.

So, this Friday ended a bit unique for sure.    All in all it was a good week.  Folks, when the prices go crazy, news reports 5 dollar gas, and people are not appreciative of the hard work you perform remember to keep pressing forward.  It's in these difficult times that the old adage "Iron sharpens Iron." hold's true.

Stay positive, treat people well, and you will find out no matter how hard or long the journey is success will be there for you.



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