Friday, March 9, 2012

End of week Report

Well, this week was definitely a up week for the petroleum industry.   Wholesale prices increased dramatically.  

Chicago Market closed for gas .02 and diesel .029 up.  New York Harbor gas finished up .0184 and diesel down .0057.  Group 3 gas finished up .0134 and diesel down .0032.  Gulf Coast finished up on gas .0184 and down on diesel .0037.  

Street prices today have been very competitive.  Restoration has not seemed to happen yet in Dayton area.   Remember, to keep your prices competitive to turn the product in the ground.  Market is still very volatile. 

News is reporting daily the prices at the pump and the consumers aggravation.  We cannot control how the customer feels regarding the price but can do our best to give the best service possible.  

Please read wall street journal recap on oil futures.   Keeping doing your best and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions as we are here to help the best we can.   We appreciate each and every one of our customers business!!!

Enjoy your weekend,


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