Monday, March 12, 2012

Welcome Monday!!!

Hello everyone. I hope everyone's weekend was nice. This week in our industry we have MPACT which is at the convention center.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend.  I will be leaving next Monday for San Antonino Texas.   I will continue to blog so no worries.  

Market was pretty flat today.   Chicago Gas even, Group 3 up a little, Gulf Coast Down penny and half, and New York Harbour down 94 points.   Crude continued to decline on Chinese Trade Data.  (Basically, China reported a large trade defecit) 

Tommorrow it appears market will be flat maybe even a bit down.  However, remember that can turn on a dime.  I cannot stress the importance of staying informed 24/7.  The world moves at a lighting pace and our industry is at the forefront of that movement.  If you don't get ahead of the curve you will get swept up and discarded.  

Keep your inventory turning so you're not caught with expensive product.   High prices create frustrated consumer who are continually be taxed more and more.  Please treat your customers as the "golden rule" states  and you will find this more than covers for any mistakes you might make.  

Keep pressing forward.  Duncan will continue to work hard and always keep reexamining ourselves to improve and strengthen our business so our customers have the strongest supplier.  

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