Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Today DOE government numbers came out (every Wednesday) and we saw the market dip toward the end of day.  Chicago gas 2 cents and distillate .09 cents.   Diesel drop was significant.  Other 3 markets were pretty inconsequential.  

Most people today are at MPACT.   I don't have a really good feel on tomorrows market it could be interesting?  Stay focused on your inventory, control your costs, and keep the customer service top flight.  Ingredients that can be lost when it's the most important time to follow.  

Duncan is grateful and humble to our customers.  You allow us to keep growing, innovating, and pushing the envelope so we can keep growing together.  Business is truly a relationship.  We value the trust our customers place in us.  

Enjoy your Wednesday.  If you're in Ohio it's a beautiful sunny day.  Take a walk and clear your mind.  We will be here 24/7


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